Saturday, August 31, 2019

Assessment Tools Analysis

Assessment Tools Analysis The vulnerable population of single low-income mothers and their children are at risk for poor health: physically, socially, and psychologically. As a nurse, I know the importance of performing a complete nursing assessment to provide the best nursing care. It is helpful to use available assessment tools to evaluate and fully assess the patient. Nurses need to be knowledgeable in assessment tools to expand the assessment process and evaluate clients in various stages and states of health, illness, stress, and life.In this paper, I will discuss and analyze three assessment tools: The Beck Depression Inventory, The Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire, and The Family Hardiness Index. Beck Depression Inventory According to the Center for Psychological Studies (2010), the BDI is used to measure the presence and degree of depression. This self-reporting questionnaire measures depression symptoms, such as headache, constipation, loss of appetite, backache or chron ic fatigue (Viinamaki, Tanskanen, et al. , 2004). It is a straightforward, low-cost, easy to use, 21-item test presented in multiple-choice format.The BDI is intended to be used in research and clinical settings to assess depression in adults and adolescents 13 and older. Administration of the BDI takes approximately five minutes. The test is either self-administered or verbally administered by trained personnel. Each item is a list of four statements about a particular symptom of depression, such as loss of appetite and sleep loss, and they are arranged in increasing severity. Validity and Reliability The BDI has been used for over 35 years to identify depressive symptoms and is reported to be highly reliable in being able to distinguish depressed from non-depressed patients.The new version showed improved clinical sensitivity, with the reliability of the BDI–II scoring higher than the BDI (Center for Psychological Studies, 2010). Recently, the BDI has been updated and the n ame changed to BDI-II. The BDI-II conforms more closely to the diagnostic criteria for depression and specifically assesses for depression by identifying the presence and severity of symptoms. This increased the validity. Nursing Even though mood disorders are common in the general population, many people suffering from depression remain undiagnosed (Viinamaki, Tanskanen, et al. , 2004).Because many low-income single mothers lack self-esteem, self-confidence, and adequate coping skills, leading them to feel isolated and alone, this vulnerable population is especially at risk for depression. The nurse can use the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to assess each patient for signs and symptoms of depression. Using this tool within the nursing assessment will help the nurse to differentiate patients experiencing symptoms of depression. This will then allow the nurse an opportunity for teaching and information on therapy, counseling, or outpatient psychiatric follow-up can be provided to t he patient.Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire The Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire is self-administered, low-cost, and measures multiple dimensions of social support including affect, affirmation, and aide. Nine categories are used to determine sources of support, and size, stability, and accessibility of those sources are measured. â€Å"The Social Supports Questionnaire measures include: the kinds of help and support that the parent/caregiver and youth received from people in the past 6 months, and the kinds of people who helped the parent/caregiver and youth in the past 6 months† (Kernan & Morilus-Black, 2010, p. 258).Adults and adolescents 13 or older are asked to list the first names or initials for each significant person in his or her life, such as spouse, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc. The patient then labels the kind of relationship he or she shares with each person listed Finally, the patient then rates and describes the amount of support available from e ach person on the list. The amount of social support can then be calculated. Validity and Reliability Reliability was assessed through analysis of consistency and test-retest measures taken a week apart. High levels of consistency and reliability were found.According to a study published by UCSF School of Medicine (2005), the test-retest correlations were Affect, 0. 89; Affirmation, 0. 88; and Aid, 0. 86 and response bias, which ranged from 0. 01 to 0. 17, was not significant. Nursing The nurse must accurately assess the patient’s social support, especially in the vulnerable population of single low-income mothers. According to Campbell-Grossman, Hudson, Keating-Lefler, & Fleck (2005), â€Å"Inadequate social support is related to poor public health outcomes, particularly in conditions of stress such as poverty and single motherhood† (p. 242).Nursing care of single mothers needs to focus on teaching, providing information on community resources, and providing support a nd encouragement. Family Hardiness Index Low- income single mothers experience many personal barriers to successful parenthood, usually because they suffer from the stress of new responsibilities with minimal resources to back them up. Major life changes can occur within the single parent household with family structure and function. Family and job demands, and family strengths, capabilities, and weaknesses all play a role in how families, including children, adapt to the current situation (Robinson, 2003).The Family Hardiness Index (FHI) can be used with adults and children over the age of nine to assess family adaptation. â€Å"Hardiness is defined as the family members’ internal strengths and durability as characterized by an ability to work together to find solutions to difficulties, a view of change as beneficial and growth producing rather than threatening, and a sense of control over the outcomes of life events and hardships† (Leske& Jiricka, 1998, p. 383). The Family Hardiness Index is a 20-item questionnaire.It measures four components families use to respond to stressful life events: confidence, challenge, commitment, and control (Leske& Jiricka, 1998). Patients indicate on a three-point scale how well the questions or statements apply to their life and their family situation, and the scores are calculated by adding the values of the responses. Validity and Reliability According to a study described by Leske & Jiricka (1998), reported internal consistency and reliability of the FHI is 0. 82, and validity is strong. This study was on a combined sample of 51 family members going through major life changes and challenges.Alpha reliability was 0. 98 for the total resource scores of their study (Leske & Jiricka, 1998). Increases in scores were related to adequate resources, coping, problem-solving communication, and family adaption. Response bias is possible due to the self-report nature of the questionnaire (Leske & Jiricka, 1998). Nursing The nurse needs to assess the whole person; sometimes this includes the family as one unit because children are a part of the vulnerable population too. Studies of parenting have shown that low-income families with maternal hardships impede the children’s cognitive and societal abilities (Mechanic & Tanner, 2007). Family deprivations also increase the probability of abuse and neglect of children, who then seek to escape the household early, associate with inappropriate peers, form tenuous sexual partnerships, have early pregnancies, and often replicate the pattern of inadequate parenting they experienced as children† (Mechanic & Tanner, 2007, p. 1223). The nurse can use this low-cost questionnaire to assess family functioning and family hardiness. Integrating Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Watson believes nursing should focus on health promotion and treating the whole person: body, mind, and spirit.The transpersonal caring relationship builds when the nurse show s concern about the whole person and fully commits to protect and enhance the person’s human dignity. The nurse’s caring consciousness essentially allows a deeper connection between the person and the nurse, in which each person involved can understand the others perspective (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2009). The discussed assessment tools enhance the assessment phase of the nursing process, allowing the patient and nurse an opening opportunity for conversation, leading to a caring moment, and improving the quality of health care delivered by the nurse on a personal level.Conclusion The Beck Depression Inventory, The Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire, and The Family Hardiness Index are three tools available to assist the nurse in completing a fully assessment of the patient and families. These tools can be used with many different age groups, are low-cost, straightforward, and easy to use. Researching the tools for this paper has helped me to understand the im portance of fully evaluating clients in various stages and states of health, illness, stress and life. These tools improve the quality of health care delivered by the nurse by enhancing the assessment phase of the nursing process.References Campbell-Grossman, C. , Hudson, D. , Keating-Lefler, R. , & Fleck, M. (2005). Community Leaders' Perceptions of Single, Low-Income Mothers' Needs and Concerns for Social Support. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 22(4), 241-257. (doi:10. 1207/s15327655jchn2204_6). Center for Psychological Studies. (2010). Beck depression inventory. Retrieved from http://www. cps. nova. edu/~cpphelp/BDI. html Kernan, J. , & Morilus-Black, M.. (2010). Social supports for youth and families. Community Mental Health Journal, 46(3), 258-64. Retrieved August 20, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID: 2026204261). Leske, J. S. & Jiricka, M. K. (1998). Family well-being and adaption after critical injury. American Journal of Critical Care, 7(5), 383-392. Retrie ved from MEDLINE with Full Text database, University of Phoenix Research Library. Mechanic, D. , & Tanner, J. (2007). Vulnerable people, groups, and populations: societal view. Health Affairs (Project Hope), 26(5), 1220-1230. Retrieved from MEDLINE with Full Text database. Robinson, M. B. (2003). Family hardiness index- Methodology for use with children. Ph. D. dissertation, Saint Louis University, United States-Missouri. Retrieved from ProQuest Nursing & Allied Heath Source, Publication No.AAT 3130049. UCSF School of Medicine. (2005). Summary of psychometric testing of the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire. Retrieved from http://nurseweb. ucsf. edu/www/NSSQ-Psychometric. pdf Viinamaki, H. , Tanskanen, A. , Honkalampi, K. , Koivumaa-Honkanen, H. , Haatainen, K. , Kaustio, O. , et al. (2004). Is the Beck Depression Inventory suitable for screening major depression in different phases of the disease? Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 58(1), 49-53. Retrieved from Academic Search Complet e database. Watson Caring Science Institute. (2009). Transpersonal caring and the caring moment defined. Retrieved from

Tesol – Observation Journal 1

Observation Journal 1 Date: 13/09/2012 Duration: 1 hour Location: International House London Level: Upper Intermediate Teaching Aim: Past Subjunctive (structure lesson) Use of â€Å"I wish† for regrets and criticism Lesson Pace During the first half of the lesson the teacher moved at a particularly fast pace. Whilst understandably a swift pace is required in order to fit the breath of information into the lesson I feel this was to the detriment of student learning in some instances. For example when asking questions of students it was common for the teacher to answer before providing sufficient time for students to answer.This had the consequence of stopping all but the quickest students a chance to be involved with the lesson. Again this was also seen when individual students were picked out by name to repeat a phrase paying specific attention to their intonation; on numerous occasions at the start of the lesson upon speaking the requested phrase the teacher was very quick to repeat the same phrase using the correct intonation. This style of teaching limits student talking time which is a key aspect when trying to engage the active memory of the students in order to promote retention of the material being taught.A better structure would have been to elicit the correct repetition of the request phrase from another student and then returning to the initially asked student to repeat the phrase once more. Using this suggested structure would promote student talking time and allow all students more time to hear the correct intonation of the phrase. The benefits of the fast pace were that all students stayed engaged for the duration of the lesson however I believe a lesson can move at a swift pace whilst still allowing sufficient time for students to repeat phrases and answer questions.I have learnt that a quick pace is generally beneficial when all students are able to keep up however my opinion is that allowing students the time to answer questions and not always giving the correct answer to quickly is paramount to student learning. By permitting this additional time to elicit answers from students you will more readily be able to establish whether or not the class is in fact following the lesson as expected and therefore be able to continue or adjust the pace accordingly. Teachers MannerOverall I felt the teacher was engaging and authoritative whilst also being able to display humorous traits which worked well to keep the class involved for the duration of the lesson. For the majority of correct answers the teacher would affirm the answer given by saying â€Å"good†. This was a positive aspect of the teacher’s manner as she used this phrase repeatedly as opposed to varying this affirmation with phrases such as â€Å"excellent† or â€Å"very good† which may have led to a degree of favouritism within the class. On one occasion however the teacher, in accompaniment to the introduction of a new concept, asks a particular student â€Å"is it clear? . In a typical classroom setting I find it unlikely that any student would want to profess to a lack of understanding and thus the lesson moves on without really knowing whether or not the concept was correctly understood. In this situation a more appropriate tactic would have been to request the student provide an alternate example of the concept being taught. This would allow any lack of understanding to be identified whilst also presenting an opportunity for the teacher to involve the rest of the class when eliciting a correct response.Oftentimes the teacher would call students by name and with the exception of one instance where the teacher got the students name wrong this worked well to firstly engage the class throughout the lesson and secondly concept check important lesson points. The teacher also made an effort to select students at random when eliciting answers; something which I believe is key to keeping students focused, as it is a ll too easy for students to switch off if they know they are fifth or sixth in line to answer a question.A couple of times the teacher admitted to making mistakes on the hand-outs, which is an aspect of the lesson that could easily have been corrected by proofreading all materials beforehand. This didn’t appear to be a problem for the class as they looked comfortable with the teacher whom they have likely worked with before. Although for students with which the teacher had not worked with before this could have been a problem because students wouldn’t necessarily have the same confidence levels in a teacher they are unfamiliar with. Classroom ManagementStudents were arranged in a semi-circle formation facing the teacher. My belief was that this particular arrangement benefited the students, as it allowed all students to face each other and thus lower any barriers to peer-group interaction which may have existed with some students sitting behind others. This structure a lso helped when students were asked to talk in pairs and allowed the teacher to easily monitor each conversation without being disruptive. For my own lessons I aim to use this same layout where possible as it would appear to be the best way to involve all students to interact within the lesson.Towards the end of the lesson the students were instructed to form new pairs for the free stage. This worked by splitting the class into â€Å"husband† and â€Å"wife† pairings which also had the added impact of adding some fun to the exercise. This use of stereotypes for the â€Å"husband† and â€Å"wife† was an effective way to set context for the exercise. The benefit of which was that the students were quickly able to get into the role playing game, which would likely not have been so enjoyable for the students if the class had not been segmented in such a way.Teaching Point Ultimately the teacher achieved her aim and had the students using â€Å"I wish† in the correct manner for the most part. The free stage was the most successful contributor towards the students achieving the aim and the teacher did well to leave the correction of the free stage to after it had finished. The free stage was corrected at the end via a board review and the students appeared to have a strong grasp on the past subjunctive.Whilst adjacent to the stated teaching aim of the lesson it was also identifiable that the teacher was incorporating aspects of past lessons into her teaching. In particular requesting that students state the tense of a sentence proved effective in eliciting what would be passive memory from previous lessons. This naturally also underlined the primary aim of the lesson and at one point the teacher highlighted the point, after eliciting the correct tenses form the students, by stating that â€Å"the only difference is in the subjunctive of to be†.I felt this gave clarity to the students as they progressed through the lesson wit h a core concise definition of what they were learning as referenced by this example. Focus was sustained throughout the lesson on a couple of occasions and this allowed the teacher to continue with the lesson whilst wasting little time discussing points that were outside the scope of the initial objectives. An example was when the teacher asked the students to identify the difference in tense between two sentences where one student identified the difference in meaning rather than tense.On this occasion it could have been easy for the teacher to become side tracked whilst discussing the meaning of the sentences however she simply dismissed the answer in a polite fashion and brought focus back to the topic at hand. With respect to the teaching aim of this lesson my main takeaway was the importance of sustaining focus on the stated objectives. When teaching myself I imagine students will be eager to explore different aspects of the English language, which if indulged could lead to the primary focus not being reached within the time frame. [1,332 words]

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Dowry System

My beloved girl, I love you†¦ I care you†¦ I want you†¦ I am constructing these high walls so that you will be secured†¦ You stay in this kitchen that no one else would stare at my beloved†¦ I will look after you well because your father has paid me well and full†¦ You are my great treasure. So I am locking you up in these heavy chains that no one will take away you†¦ Don’t move. I will protect you†¦ Because, You are my beloved wife†¦ FOR SALE India is a great land that has its rich heritage from the Vedic culture.From the very beginning of civilizations itself women had a great prominence in the society. She was worshipped as a deity, she was given respect and even the nature or the ‘prakrithi ’ was considered to be a woman. The later period witnessed a gradual transition and a gender discrimination occurred leading to the marginalization of women. We see in the epic, Ramayana saying that woman has to be protected by h er father in her adolescent period, husband in the youth and by her son in her old age. The woman does not deserve freedom any time.There were customs that ‘bought’ beautiful young bride to the family after ‘paying’ a good amount to bride’s parents. Even in this cyber century we see this being followed deliberately in the educated society and the greatest, disgusting evil that comes out of this marginalization is the â€Å"dowry system† or as it is presently called ‘The gift system’ . An embryo formed with two X chromosome is hunted from the very stage when it is called ‘she’ or ‘girl’. And then it is what Simon de Bouveire said, â€Å"A WOMAN IS NOT BORN. SHE IS MADE†. A girl child born to a family often hears,’ look, you are a girl’.This is how the stereotyping occurs. She is taught certain ‘norms’ that society constructed, forced to do certain assigned duties and is br ought up to be a good wife and good mother. She is expected to be caring, loving, passionate, sacrificing, and hardworking and express the so called ‘feminine qualities’. She is then sold and bought to another family†¦ Marriage is the happy blending of two individuals with the vows made to love and take care of each other. It is the harmony between two families too. Earlier woman was made to sit at home and look after her husband and children.Dowries were given as an asset or help to the family in case some tragedy occur to her husband. It was a help. In the later stages it began to be a ‘demand’. Now it is the matter of ‘pride’. When the dowry prohibition acts imposed tried to halt these it was the birth of the â€Å"GIFT SYSTEM†. Marriage is considered to have occurred in the heavens. It is wished to be happy. But sometimes it becomes a lifelong chain to woman. From time the girl child is born, her parents often think about her ma rriage. The price to be offered and the jewels to be bought are calculated equally among the rich and the poor.The poor and the middle class suffer mostly due to this system. The Dalit woman has to undergo double marginalization, the caste and the gender. The parent has to work hard to find ways that can ‘marry of’ the girl and the families often get into heavy debt once the ceremonies get over. The stage were dowry became a demand was the most ‘tragic period’ were girls married were slaughtered by their merciless â€Å"destiny†. Even after the marriage money is demanded again and again by the husband and the in laws. They are threatened that the girl would be send back to home at the failure of the demands.After the ceaseless suffering the bride finally is killed or commits suicide. This was called ‘Bride burning’. This was often ignored by the society calling it a suicide. It is in this background that the Dowry prohibition act came in to existence to ensure the equality and rights promised by the Indian constitution. When the law imposed limitations this was modified and known as The Gift System. Luxury car, Gold showered and the pocket money are ‘gifted’ to their daughter and her husband. There is a clear cut violation of the law with the permission of the ‘accused and the victims’.It is now matter of the Pride of the family. This shows how deeply this is rooted in each Indian. The wedding ceremonies take an amount more than a development scheme of a slum takes. Can a change be brought to this system? Earlier we could say that this was due to ignorance. But now how could educated women in a well developed society be a part of this? Feminism movements could not make a change to this evil. It’s each of us that encourage these. It’s ironic that woman who are on the boy’s side are more vicious to the bride. It should be understood that it’s not part of pride but Vanity.Each has their own role to do in this matter. The bride and her parents should pay respect to themselves and keep their dignity. She is not a commodity FOR SALE. Boys should be bold enough to say that they are stubborn to look after the family without the dowry. It should be the girl that they should marry. The ones who go for dowry should be ashamed to put a price tag on their wife. The girl should have the freedom to come to her home at any circumstance and get divorce at the worst. Pay respect to each other and keep up individuality. Make relations healthy and happy. Let them no more be in tears.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Discuss the two objections to the use of fair value measurement Essay

Discuss the two objections to the use of fair value measurement referred to above, and critically examine how far they are valid - Essay Example The first objection says that the method is, thus, not good for financial reporting while the second says that the method will be against the stakeholders and investors’ interest. This study seeks to analyze fair value measurement method in accounting in light of the aforementioned objections. Before embarking on the study’s purpose, it is of essence, though, to define fair value as given by IASB. According to IFRS 13, Fair value is that price that one would receive if he/she disposed an asset or paid to ensure an obligation’s transfer in an orderly kind of transaction between players in a market at the date of measurement. IFRS 13 is there to increase comparability and consistency in measurements that use fair value method and the disclosures that go in tandem through what is referred to as ‘fair value hierarchy’. This hierarchy categorizes the inputs that are usually utilized in the techniques of valuation into three main levels. This hierarchy pri oritizes at the top, the unadjusted/quoted prices for identical liabilities or assets and in active markets. The lowest priority is given to unobservable type of inputs. The levels of inputs are explained as under. Level 1 inputs refer to the quoted prices in the active markets for liabilities or assets that are identical that the entity can get at the date of measurement. ... Those scholars who are against this method argue that fair value method presents information that is unreliable since it is not usually based upon transactions at arm’s length. Thus, it should not be used when it comes to investors’ making financial decisions. Under its reliability, cynics say that it is not a reliable measurement method. Some of the scholars against this method like Cunningham Colleen, the president of FEI- Financial Executives International, said that the information that is generated by this method cannot be of any relevant use to an investor. According to Cunningham, it is in fact useless to an investor. Income statements are subject to manipulation if this method is applied in measurements. (Shortridge et al, 2006) Fair values are not applicable in cases of firm’s arbitraging of market prices. It is not an appropriate method especially when a firm adds value for stockholders by way of purchasing at input prices of the market and disposing at output prices of the market. In this case, the argument is that the raw materials applied in the process of manufacturing do not gain their value from a variance in their exit prices in the market, but as inputs into processes which add values to the existing market prices by making a product as well as selling the same to consumers. This is because a variance in the value for stockholders is not really connected to a variance in the prices of the market. Thus, as a form of stewardship stockholders should be rewarded by the management through other basis, but not using market values. Also efficient prices are reliant on historical costs and, thus, fair market value measurements cannot serve as substitutes under this kind of scenario. The

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Assignment Example Prodcts and Services LUBRICANTS ADNOC Distribution is one of the key suppliers of lubricants worldwide. The lubricants manufactured, marketed and distributed by ADNOC varies from engine oils, industrial, marine and hydraulic lubricants, and highly specialized oils and greases. As with all products, ADNOC’s lubricants are formulated to meet the highest quality level as prescribed by the international bodies such as international institutions such as the American Petroleum Institute (API), the US Military Authorities, the British Defense Force (DEF/STAN) and the Committee of European Engine Manufacturers (CCMC). ADNOC Distribution has operated a state-of-the-art lubricants testing, blending and packaging plant since 1979. ADNOC Distribution’s lubricant operation is regarded as one of the best blending and packaging plants in the region. AVIATION SERVICES ADNOC Distribution supplies fuels and services, to the aviation industry. This service is facilitated by its access to an extensive network of production and refinery facilities.   This is further supported by ADNOC’s efficient and reliable network. ... Customers can choose from a full range of octane levels, through its service stations. ADNOC also offers other vehicle services in its service stations. In 2000, ADNOC added Oasis Convenience Stores facility in its service stations, to provide value-addition. ADNOC has also recognized growing consumer interest in cleaner and environmental friendly fuels such as natural gas. ADNOC is in the process of developing a comprehensive network of natural gas pipelines throughout the city of Abu Dhabi, which will ensure a reliable delivery method directly to consumer’s homes and offices. (ADNOC Distribution Website) ADNOC – Vision and Mission The falcon in the emblem of ADNOC represents its noble vision of confidence, leadership, reliability, pride, alertness, responsiveness, and dynamism. As stated in its Mission statement (ADNOC Distribution Company Profile 2007: pp27) – ADNOC Distribution’s mission is to become the region’s leader in the marketing and dist ribution of refined petroleum products and associated services through: †¢ Respected earnings for our shareholders. †¢ Service excellence to our customers. †¢ Development and involvement of employees. †¢ Operational excellence in our business processes. To achieve our mission, we will constantly seek growth opportunities while respecting our core values and business ethics. ADNOC The Organization ADNOC is organized under a General Manager, into three separate divisions of Commercial, Operations and Service Support, each headed by an Assistant General Manager. While the Commercial division includes Sales & Marketing, Public Relations and Call center, Operations include HSE (See later ADNOC initiatives), Service

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Global Marketing Research Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Global Marketing Research Assignment - Essay Example According to the current business performance of H&M, the organisation has built its strong brand image by delivering designed fashionable garments and sports apparels following the competitive pricing strategy across different developed and developing national markets. Founded in the year 1947, H&M is a Swedish manufacturer and marketer of fast-fashionable apparels for the customers, irrespective of their age groups and income levels (H&M Group, 2014). Currently, the organisation operates across 55 global markets with more than 116,000 numbers of dedicated employees. Moreover, H&M has also been recognised to achieve major recognition from its online apparel retail stores that are currently playing a crucial role for the organisation in 12 different nations across the globe (1H&M Group, 2014). The selection of markets has been one of the crucial and major strategic decisions for the organisations to build long-term sustainability. In relation to the competitive environment in the emerging clothing and apparel business industry, an appropriate selection of target markets help organisations to get accustomed with their strong brand position (Rugraff & Hansen, 2011). In this report, the target business environments selected for H&M are India and Brazil respectively. In correspondence, the following discussion will critically analyse the key rationale factors behind the selection of these emerging markets for H&M. The economic performance of the selected target markets has been prioritised.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Open Table - Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Open Table - - Case Study Example Another reason is that the closest competitors such as are limited in their services in that though they offer access to restaurant menus and reviews, the visitors to their site cannot make reservations and MenuPages site covers only eight U.S cities. OpenTable has also partnered with onetime competitor Urbanspoon, enabling it to acquire Urbanspoon’s reservation management system, Rezbook, thus becoming Urbanspoon’s reservation provider. Apart from that OpenTable is committed to shrewd technological investments such as mobile Web site, mobile applications that work on just about every Smartphone platform. It has introduced an iPad app that fully integrates with the ERB software and GPS enables mobile uses to locate and make reservations at nearby venues. A new addition has also enabled users to pay for meals with a credit card directly from its apps. 2. The following characteristics of restaurant market make it difficult for a reservation system to work; Foremost restaurant booking systems require a fully secure reservation and cancellation functionalities that should come with confirmation of e-mail. This particular feature is real time and ensures that you are keeping abreast with developments as they take place real time.Secondly,some user interface are difficult to use for the online visitors, making them to be not user friendly to any potential customer who may want to use them.Thirdly,the fact that while in the market of restaurant reservation system online, you require a system that is web based as compared to the one that is installed or rather upgraded on a physical machine makes it difficult for a reservation system to work. 3. OpenTable’s market is susceptible to network effects which means that the more people use it, the more utility the system delivers, which made OpenTable’s growth to continually provide diners with expanded choices. More diners have thus

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Thoughts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thoughts - Assignment Example The combination of various psychological characteristics builds their identity and difference among others (Maltby et al., 2013; George & Jones, 2012). Based on the TypeFinder MBTI Profiles analysis, I found certain similarities in my characteristics that indicate a fall in the category of Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving (INFP) personality people. I do not appear to be naturally inclined about the category in which I belong too. I can develop various skills to do well in building my own personality with a lot of effort. My personality reflects that I am idealist in looking for the good and the bad about particular people and events. Even my survival amid various individuals could be a challenge, as I am always looking towards making things in a better ways. The overall result obtained from the TypeFinder analysis reveals the fact that I possesses a goal-oriented passion with moderate independency, conscientiousness, innovativeness, adaptability with inner flame and passionate about shining. The result also reveals that people who are like-minded spend their time with me and feel extremely perseverant, curious along with be ing interested in learning new things from me. Besides, they feel the sentiment of inspiration and joy. In the way of moving forward rather than thinking in logical, exploratory or sentinels manner, I utilise my own judgemental style to pursue things. The result also signified that I always listen to many individuals but interact with lesser number of people. My idealistic, open-minded thinking, creativity, passionate, energetic, dedication, flexibility and hardworking capabilities are the true strengths of mine. On the other hand, different factors that include idealistic, altruistic, impractical behaviour, taking thing on the personal ground and difficulty in dealing with some situations are the major drawbacks I possess due to my personality. Moreover, my

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Decision Making - Assignment Example The market research will contact different members of public – as opposed to consulting target audience. The disadvantage of the model is that it is time consuming (Dillon, Madden and Firtle, 1994). First part: Market Research questionnaire First name†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Middle name†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Last name†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Age.........Sex†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Occupation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Contact details†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Permanent address†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Email address†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... Evaluation of individuals in need of gym services 1. Height†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Weight†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 2. Please describe your lifestyle Sedentary: working from a stationary point all day†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Moderate. I participate in exercise occasionally†¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Active. I exercise regularly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3. How can you describe your eating patterns or habits? Erratic: I eat whatever I come across†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Fairly regular: I skip a number of meals†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Regular: I ensure to get all meals and in a timely manner†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4. Do you eat between main meals? 5. Are your meals low calorie†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..moderate calorie†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..or high calorie†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 6. ... Have you used gym and fitness facilities before? 9. Have you taken any gym training sessions? 10. What fitness facilities do you use? 11. What fitness facilities do you own? 12. Where do you access fitness facilities? 13. How long have you participated in fitness services? 14. Use the key below for the questions 15. (Rank yourself as excellent, good, average, poor, very poor) Please rate your physical exercise and fitness participation?................... Please rate your capacity in using Gym facilities?................................... Do you think that gym services are important for every person?................................. (Give reasons) Do you have access to a gym center?.............................. How often do you use the services offered at the gym center?.................................... Which of the two fitness training do you prefer? Gym services†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Aerobics†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Part three (For those that have used gym services in the past) 16. Did you find joining a gym helpful? 17. Are you satisfied with the gym and fitness facilities received? Where would you expect that the services were different? 18. Have you received any gym and fitness services while at Brent Cross? 19. What was the price for the services? Was the price worth the services given? 20. What was your overall satisfaction and what comments can you draw from that? 21. How did you rate the services received, and what reference points do you use for that? 22. How would you expect the gym services to be offered at Brent Cross? Part four: Description of the general Brent Cross population 1. How would you define the fitness levels of the residents of this area? Generally slim and unhealthy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. (Explain) Generally fit and

Friday, August 23, 2019

International Business Strategy IBS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Business Strategy IBS - Essay Example It is proved that using the first mover advantage a firm can increase its competitiveness but the full success of this practice cannot be guaranteed, even for firms that are already established in their market. 2. International Business Strategy 2.1 The concept of first mover advantage - overview In the context of international business the first mover advantage theory can be related to the work of Markusen (2002). According to the above theorist, trade relationships are likely to be influenced by geography, meaning that businesses that are interested in entering the global market tend to prefer the markets of neighbouring countries, probably because risks and costs involved are expected to be lower (Sitkin and Bowen 2013). For FDI also a similar practice is used. Under these terms, the development of international business is based on two, critical, factors: a) learning effects; this term is used for showing the transfer of knowledge between ‘the research and development secto r of each business and its other sectors/ departments’ (Sitkin and Bowen 2013, p.38); this strategy of knowledge transfer decreases risks since no external intervention on knowledge used for building business strategy can occur; b) the first mover advantage; the specific concept reflects the following idea: ‘the first firm to enter a new market and leverage its existing experiences is in a good position to shut out future rivals’ (Sitkin and Bowen 2013, p.38). According to the above, the first mover advantage involves in ‘introducing in the market a new product or service’ (Cullen and Parboteeah 2013, p.273). However, the benefits of the above concept are related to the following term: that the product/ service employed ‘is not only innovative but also comprehensive’ (Cullen and Parboteeah 2013, p.273). The term comprehensive is used for showing a product/ service that ‘meets the customers’ expectations’ (Cullen and P arboteeah 2013, p.273); only such product/ service would be able to result to profits. The concept of first mover advantage, as described above can be effectively used for developing a business strategy in regard not only to the international market but also to the local market (McDonald and Burton 2002). The terms of such use of the specific concept are described analytically in the next section. 2.2 The use of the concept of first mover advantage in formulating a business strategy In regard to the use of the concept of first mover advantage in practice the following fact should be highlighted: the specific concept can be incorporated in different business strategies, meaning that it can be used as the basis for developing business strategies of various formats, depending on the needs of each organization, the resources available and the conditions in the business environment (Cullen and Parboteeah 2013). Figure 1 – Franchising based on the first mover advantage – the oretical model (source: Michael 2013, p.62) The study of Michael (2003) refers to the use of the first mover advantage as part of a franchising strategy. The involvement of the specific concept in a franchising strategy should be based on certain rules; the relevant framework is presented

History of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

History of Art - Essay Example Starry night is one of the masterpieces by Vangogh, and it depicts a sky at night filled with blazing stars, swirling clouds, a bright crescent moon and a morning star as centre point. The features of this painting is bit exaggerated, but it reflects a feeling of ease and comfort in human being. This starry sky makes the viewer’s eye gazing all around the painting. The dots of the stars and swirls of cloud keep the viewer hold on to the painting as well as engaged. Below the sky there is a hill and close to the horizon lies a village. The cool colors of the painting bring in nostalgic memories to the viewers about their childhood years. Guitar’s by Picasso was a breakthrough in the world of sculpturing, as it was an epitome of human experimentation and creativity. First this work was done in cardboard and later it was reconstructed in metal. The antiquity of the work is that it was not constructed from traditional materials like wood, marble or bronze but from sheet met al. Here the guitar is being portrayed in a unique form where the lower half of the guitar projects outwards instead of receding. Picasso with this art explored the cubism and presented a different form of guitar to the world. This guitar in paper was the most influential art work of Picasso in the 20th century. The starry night has a theme of serenity, as a person viewing it feels calm and peace both emotionally and physically. The prominent blue color of the painting cools down the senses and relaxes a person entirely. Watching a starry sky at night have always been an act of pleasure. It is definite that Vangogh while painting this work had been intensely calm and at peace. The massive dark structure on the left hand side of the painting evokes a feeling of isolation .This art work remarks about the sense of serenity a person feels while watching a starry sky at night in isolation while weather is cool. The paining also connects a person immensely to the nature. The art work has a core message of the significant impact nature has on human beings. Even when the times changed, the affect of a star studded night on a person is enormous. In this age of technology, people find less time to appreciate nature and its characteristics. If we find some quality time to observe sky at night, we could dream away in its beauty. It could make us see what Vangogh has seen and additionally

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Role of Internet in Marketing Essay Example for Free

The Role of Internet in Marketing Essay In this task I will be discussing a very important subject of today’s world of business which is internet marketing. To start off my task, I am going to give a general idea of history of the internet, general functions it can perform and how the internet has generally changed the society in many different ways and aspects. The history of establishing the internet originally goes back to 1950s and that’s when it first came on the scene, no one ever thought of the possibility that this project of internet would go quite far with the time. Nowadays, there’s no one that doesn’t depend on internet/computer usage. We’d clearly see that most of the important daily processes and work are most likely to be done through the use of the internet; there would be no such big popularity for computers in our today’s society if it wasn’t for the internet. The 1970s was the period when networks were interlinked, 1982 is the date when worldwide network was established and 1995 can be pointed at as the year when internet was widely commercialised. The internet functions in many different areas and it’s always useful and helpful to everyone in order to accomplish their different needs. For example, internet services such as E-mail provides a great mean of communication, not only between businesses (B2B) but also its very useful between businesses and customers (B2C) as well and customers to customers’ (C2C) communications too. The Internet is also considered to be the most common, advantageous and fastest source of gathering information, for instance the services that the internet presents such as the World Wide Web (WWW) holds tremendous amount of information, much of which is easily accessible and available 24 hours per day. Also, another use of internet’s wide services is that you can process payments through it very easily and smoothly; there are so many advantages of online payments/transactions which the internet’s service provides. Some of these advantages include businesses earning more by enabling customers globally to make their own purchases at any time of day or night, which basically means that an online store-front is open for shoppers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Also, online banking services provided by a lot of banks is considered to be hugely cost effective, that’s because banks don’t need to have too many personnel or clerical staff around to help getting the banking transactions done. Example of B2B: the internet is very useful in B2B operations generally, for instance a company like HM are cooperated with the Royal Mail for the purpose of delivering the goods to customers and that requires HM to be in consistent interaction with the Royal Mail. The internet has made it a lot easier for HM to interact with the Royal Mail and track the items they sent and the orders they receive from their different warehouses across several countries. Example of C2C: there are many examples for how easy the internet has made it for C2C operations and interaction, the example for this would be the service that Facebook and other communication websites provide like Twitter and that service is basically the accessibility to all people to communicate and interact so this interaction can involve customers messaging each others to enquire about products and goods. Now I’m going to relate the marketing mix to internet marketing and how it developed into the extended marketing mix. This will be done by taking each element of the marketing mix, describing how the internet has affected them. Extended Marketing Mix: This marketing mix is a tool which marketers use to describe their marketing strategy. It is constructed of the original 4P’s and it expands the number of manageable variables from the four in the original marketing mix model to seven. Product: there are some products/services that wouldn’t exist without the internet, for instance the service that Skype and Yahoo Messenger provides which includes the ability to make free computer-to-computer calls and the utter cheap calls from computer to phones and mobile phones globally. These services/products are obviously not tangible which means that they’re nonphysical sort of services unlike services such as personal training for instance. Place (non physical boundaries): The internet in itself is considered to be the biggest non-tangible place for communication where most people from all over the world get the chance to communicate and interact. This is widely and commonly used by individuals through websites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. also virtual tours that are web-based accessible gives better experience of getting to discover places that users would generally be unable to interact with, this can be done through Google Earth, Google Maps for instance. Price: Disintermediation is a term that basically defines trading directly without needing any sort of mediation. This word is used to describe many internet-based businesses such as eBay and Amazon, these businesses offer products directly to customers online rather than going through traditional retail channels. By doing so, companies and businesses can sell their products a lot cheaper and faster as well because the goods would be directly delivered to customers without no involvement from the middlemen. It is believed that the internet will transform the way products are bought and sold, and disintermediation is the motivating force behind this revolution. Promotion: Promotion is basically the method by which businesses communicate with customers. By promoting, customers get to make a decision to purchase a product or service. This can be done through the use of internet by nearly most of the online-based companies such as eBay and Amazon, this is called e-mail promotion, eBay and Amazon in particular can reach and target their customer needs and send them matching offers to what they’re interested in through their online marketplace which helps both companies to reach new customers and promote and advertise very widely. This also gives the ability for businesses to spot what their customers’ different needs are and by doing so they can offer them specific products matching their specific needs. Cookies are very helpful on promoting for businesses as well; cookies are basically bits of information associated with the accounts of online market customers’ and shoppers such as on eBay and Amazon, they are normally saved on customers’ computers to make their online shopping experience quicker and easier. Cookies are used by eBay for instance to recognise customers when they sign in to their website for the purpose of remembering their preferences , and by doing so, eBay and Amazon are able to send their customers the offers they’re most likely to be looking to and the products and goods they’re interested in. People: It’s very vital and crucial for any business to have the right people/staff in order to provide sufficient service to the customers. For example, the admin team behind FAQs, forums with other customers. I would say that it’s impossible to close a sales deal without the interaction with customers. Also, the business blogs which are a corporate tool for communicating with customers are very helpful in terms of sharing knowledge and expertise with all the customers. These blogs basically aims at sweeping the business community in a smart way of sharing information about the business online, they’re really an example of an excellent method to share a company’s expertise, build additional web traffic, and connect with potential customers. It’s fundamental for any online-based business to anticipate and understand their customer needs that’s why understanding customers’ profiles in terms of their demographic, psychographic, economic and usage-based segmentation is vital to businesses; in order to achieve that, marketers must get serious about matching their site strategies to the needs of their target customer market segments. Process: Using the internet to do shopping, online banking, and other different types of practices and operations made it a lot easier for businesses as well as different types of people. In our modern world, the internet has grown its popularity and become one of the important methods in linking between businesses and customers as well. One role of internet in business is also the ecommerce websites and online payment solutions that allow people to shop online from the comfort of their homes. Also, another thing the internet has also provided is online banking which has made it a lot easier for people involved in banking activities to manage their accounts, pay bills, and manage their bank accounts generally. Physical Evidence: In terms of Physical Evidence, the internet has provided lots of services that allow the users of it to have access to different types of media resources by which they can gain knowledge about a specific product/service. For example, if someone is thinking of buying a new mobile, they can have access to lots of video reviews of it online in different websites and places. Also the internet has made price comparison service very profitable, that’s because the number of online shopper is increasing daily and the internet has made it at ease for them to compare prices between different online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay etc.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Law Commissions review of the law of intention

The Law Commissions review of the law of intention 'The Law Commission's review of the law of intention confirms the viewthat the English law of intention for murder is based upon an understanding that lacks in two opposite ways. First, as regards direct intention, the law is morally under-inclusive in that it places too much moral weight on a psychological conception of the required mental state. It therefore fails to recognise properly the issue and significance of the concept of 'indiscriminate malice'. Secondly, as regards direct and indirect intention, the law is morally over-inclusive, failing to differentiate culpable and non-culpable acts.'(Norrie, 2006) Critically discuss the above statement with reference to the doctrine of intention in relation to the crime of murder and the Law Commission's Consultation Paper Homicide (No.177, 2005). Before we commence our discussion, let us first be quite clear on what is meant by ‘direct intention’, ‘indirect intention’ and ‘indiscriminate malice’ in the context of the above statement. Intention literally means ‘aim or purpose that guides an action[1]’. Therefore, ‘direct intention’, in the context of murder, means an act committed with the direct purpose of killing, or causing serious harm to, another. This has been one of the mens rea requirements for murder as far back as the 17th Century[2]. Clearly, this precludes an intention to achieve another criminal purpose altogether, where the actor ought reasonably to have foreseen, but did not directly intend, the death of another to be a virtually certain result of his actions, e.g. the intention of a ‘person who places a bomb on a plane for the purpose of making an insurance claim in respect of property but who foresees as a virtual certainty the death or serious injury of those who are on the plane when the bomb explodes.[3]’ This is what Norrie refers to as ‘indiscriminate malice’; ‘malice,’ in that the actor intended to perform an illegal act, and; ‘indiscriminate,’ in that the actor paid little or no regard to the virtually certain consequences of his actions, namely the death of another. It has long been recognised that the law should bring actions of indiscriminate malice within the scope of the crime of murder, but that a strict requirement of ‘direct intention’ would fail to do so; ‘direct intention is simply ‘too narrow for the purposes of criminal responsibility[4]’. Thus, the concept of cognitive ‘indirect intention’ was born, introduced into English law in the case of Nedrick[5]. Such intention does not have to be direct, but can merely involve a degree of foresight which, if possessed, should warrant a conviction of murder rather than manslaughter, a crime which denotes a too low a degree of criminal and moral culpability for actions where the death of another is virtually an incidental certainty. This doctrine, in its current form, was laid down by Lord Lane CJ Nedrick[6] in 1986, and modified by Lord Steyn in Woollin[7]: â€Å"Where the charge is murder and in the rare case where the simple direction is not enough, the jury should be directed that they are not entitled to find the necessary intention, unless they feel sure that death or serious bodily harm was a virtual certainty (barring some unforeseen intervention) as a result of the defendant’s actions and the defendant appreciated that such was the case.[8]† Some commentators have argued, as Norrie does at the top of this paper, that such an extension has gone too far; whilst indiscriminate malice now clearly comes within the scope of this extended intention requirement for murder, which is a good thing, other actions are now also included under the crime of murder, crime which, due to the lack of criminal and moral culpability involved, would be more fairly labeled as manslaughter. An example of such an action being so unfairly labeled was provided by Lord Goff in the Nathan Committee Report by the House of Lords Select Committee on Murder and Life Imprisonment [9]: â€Å"A house is on fire. A father is trapped in the attic floor with his two little girls. He comes to the conclusion that unless they jump they will all be burned alive. But he also realises that if they jump they are all [virtually certain] to suffer serious personal harm. The children are too frightened to jump and so in an attempt to save their lives he throws one out of the window to the crowd waiting below and he jumps with the other one in his arms. All are seriously injured, and the little girl he threw out of the window dies of her injuries.† The Law Commission, in citing and analyzing this example, came to the conclusion that the father in this case should not be labeled a murderer. Under the concept of ‘indirect intention’ however, the father should be guilty of this second-degree crime. As Norrie notes[10], the Law Commission were forced to conclude that ‘indirect intention’, by focusing on the knowledge of the father rather than the wishes behind his actions, was morally over-inclusive, failing to differentiate correctly between culpable and non-culpable acts, i.e. between actions of indiscriminate malice, such as the insurance fraudster who blows up the plane with no regard to the life of those on that plane, and actions involving no malice, but which are indiscriminate in their effects, such as the actio ns of the desperate father in Lord Goff’s example above. In this paper I shall address these concerns in detail, concluding that a cognitive approach to intention may simply be unsuitable for the crime of murder; it fails to adequately demark the boundaries of culpability between this crime and that of manslaughter. I shall then examine the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper Homicide (No.177, 2005), and shall critically discuss their approach to these problems, concluding with an assessment of how successful these reform proposals would be in their aim of differentiating correctly between culpable and non-culpable acts, if implemented. As we have already seen from the examples discussed above, Norrie is quite right in his assertions; the requirement of direct intention is too focussed on the specific mental state of the actor with the effect that the charge of murder would be precluded for anyone other than an offender who either directly intended to kill his victim, or at least intended to cause that victim serious harm from which death was a reasonably foreseeable result. Likewise, the extension of this requirement to include indirect intention, whilst at least serving to bring crimes of indiscriminate malice under the scope of ‘murder’, also serves to bring other such actions under this label, actions which should only be considered manslaughter, in light of the lower degree of criminal culpability possessed by their perpetrators. In other words, it is not always fair to equate foresight of a virtually certain result with intention. Let us now look at the reforms to the doctrine of direct intention, which have been proposed by the Law Commission in their Report on Homicide[11], and assess to what extent these reform might actually serve to correct the current inadequacies: In this Report, the Law Commission make two different reform proposals; the first of these is to create a statutory definition of intention which avoids the problems of indirect intention being construed too widely by a jury; the second is to codify the existing common law doctrine of indirect intention, but to modify it so that the current problems of indirect intention can be avoided. Both of these proposals are therefore designed to rectify the problem of indirect intention being construed too widely, whilst at the same time allowing this doctrine to continue its prosecution of indiscriminate malice as murder where appropriate. The rationale behind both of these alternative proposals is to rectify the distinction which can, in exceptional cases, exist between intention, in its natural form, and intention implied by reasonable foreseeability/ virtual certainty. They reform proposals recognise that it is possible for an offender to have not intended a particular outcome, even though he or she may have realised that such an outcome was a virtually certain consequence of their actions. This is commonly known as the ‘Woolin[12]’ problem. Under the first proposal, the Commission have state that ‘It is crucial that a statutory definition of intention should not cause injustice, or absurdity, by deeming certain conduct to be intended when the circumstances show it to be otherwise[13]’. Thus, under this first proposal, the Commission propose to insert a proviso into a statutory definition of intention, i.e. ‘A person is not to be deemed to have intended any result, which it was his or her specific purpose to avoid.[14]’ This should not be seen as reinserting a motive assessment into that of intention, but rather to provide a means by which a jury will not be forced to convict someone of murder, in an exceptional case where that offender specifically did not intend to cause death even though he knew it would almost certainly result from his actions. Under the second proposal, the Commission suggest a codification of the current doctrine of intention, modified to take account of those exceptional cases where it would be unfair to equate foresight of a virtually certain result with intention, might be as follows. Such a formulation might read as follows: â€Å"(1) A person is to be regarded as acting intentionally with respect to a result when he or she acts in order to bring it about. (2) In the rare case where the simple direction in clause (1) is not enough, the jury should be directed that: they are not entitled to find the necessary intention with regard to a result unless they are sure that the result was a virtual certainty (barring some unforeseen intervention) as a result of the defendant’s actions and that the defendant appreciated that such was the case. (3) In any case where the defendant’s chance of success in his or her purpose of causing some other result is relevant, the direction in clause (2) may be expanded by the addition of the following phrase at the end of the clause (2) direction: or that it would be if he or she were to succeed in his or her purpose of causing some other result, and that the defendant appreciated that such was the case.[15]† This would have the effect of maintaining the current law in relation to virtual certainty, which as Lord Steyn pointed out in Woolin, â€Å"has [over a period of 12 years since Nedrick] apparently caused no practical difficulties,[16]’ whilst at the same time, limiting the doctrine of indirect intention so as to exclude those situations where an offender might have seen death as being virtually certain, but where he specifically tried to avoid it. This proposal purports to do this by providing the jury with more specific guidelines as to when they are entitled to infer indirect intention. Both of these reform proposals are encouraging; it would seem that the Law Commission is heading in the right direction at last. The first proposal specifically precludes the Woolin problem with the insertion of a provision which, although purportedly reintroducing a motive element to the doctrine of intention, can actually be used to ensure that intention is not implied where it would be unfair to do so. The second is less specific, but purports to achieve the same ends by clarifying the necessary circumstances in which indirect intention should be implied. In conclusion, I would favour the first proposal for the following reason; the second proposal will only slightly modify the doctrine of indirect intention, and will only slightly limit its scope. The proviso contained in the first proposal however, is, as yet, unlimited in its scope, and as such, can be used by a jury to greater effect. This may have the result of reverse injustice, i.e. offenders who should morally be guilty of murder escaping this label for the lesser conviction of manslaughter, but I feel that it will so significantly decrease the chances of the reverse occurring, i.e. offenders who should only be found guilty of manslaughter being labeled as a murderers, that such a risk is justified; after all, it is more important to encourage this latter phenomenon than it is to prevent the former from occurring at all costs, especially in light of the huge sentences which are imposed on those offenders convicted for the crime of murder. Bibliography: Law Commission's Consultation Paper Homicide (No.177, 2005) Nathan Committee Report, Report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Murder and Life Imprisonment (HL paper 78-1, 1989). A Ashworth, Principles of Criminal Law (4th ed 2003) A Norrie, â€Å"Subjectivism, Objectivism, and the Limits of Criminal Recklessness† (1992) 12 OJLS 45. A P Simester, â€Å"Why Distinguish Intention from Foresight?’† in A P Simester and A T H Smith, Harm and Culpability (1996) 71. Williams, G. (1955) The definition of Crime Current Legal Problems 8, 107-30 Smith, A. H. (2004) 'Criminal Law: The Future' Criminal Law Review, Dec, 971-80 1 Footnotes [1] A definition provided by the Oxford English Dictionary. [2] See Lord Coke’s classic definition involving ‘malice aforethought’. [3] Law Commission Report: Homicide [No.177; 2005] para 4.6 [4] Ibid, para 4.6 [5] 1986 (83) Cr App R 267 [6] ibid [7] [1999] 1 AC 82. [8] [1999] 1 AC 82, at 96 [9] Lord Goff in the Nathan Committee Report, Report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Murder and Life Imprisonment (HL paper 78-1, 1989). [10] In the statement at the top of this paper, A. Norrie states: 'The Law Commission's review of the law of intention confirms the viewthat †¦ indirect intention†¦ is morally over-inclusive, failing to differentiate culpable and non-culpable acts.' (Norrie 2006) [11] Report No. 177; 2005 [12] In this case, D had a grudge against a woman and had threatened to ‘burn her out’. One night he poured paraffin through her letterbox and set it alight. One of the women dies in the fire. When asked why he did it, he replied ‘to wake her up and frighten her’. Here, he did not intend to kill the woman’s but the question is therefore whether or not he saw such a result as virtually certain. [13] Ibid, para 4.42 [14] Ibid, para 4.50 [15] Report No. 177 2005 para 4.69 [16][1999] 1 AC 82. at 94

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Relationship between organisations structure and culture

Relationship between organisations structure and culture Organizations rely on nonfigurative conceptions, to make significance systematically of our experience and observations of people doing things together. Organizational life can be explained, understood, predicted, and influenced, with non-figurative ideas about structure and culture. 3.1.1 Contrast different organisational structures and culture While there is no general agreement or uniformity of structural and cultural aspects of community organizations, grassroots organizers have some common tradition and perceptive. Organizations structural characters are strict, nonflexible, created and preserved by documentation, and contingency centred. The structure is taken on officially, on the basis of known rules and events. It decide how the organization is made-up to operate and for what reasons. The cultural definitions of people, situation, events, information, objects, facts, procedure are essential for organizational choices and movement. The common properties of structure and culture are: Contingency-cantered Ideology-cantered Cultural Features Structural Features Documented Word-of-mouth Formal Informal Fixed Flexible It is impossible to do split structure and culture, in practice. So organizational structure spells out the place to be occupied by members of an organization and culture defines the task to go with those place and the kinds of people. 3.1.2 Relationship between an organisations structure and culture and the effects on business performance Structure The basic objects of organizational structure are the books constitutions and bylaws. These books begin with the broad aims and principles of the organization and they reflect the central values and interests of the membership, constituency, or clientele. Structural definition also describes the organizations resource base. A lot of organizations normally define their curriculum of membership in bylaws. Some of them even state the amount of annual dues for each. The books describe formal offices or positions in the organization. Not always same as labour branches, as stating who does what. Tax-exemption options may also be written. Decision-making activities are planned in structural documentation. The common types of organizational choices are: structural, management, policy, adjudication, and supervision. Constitutions and Bylaws state the actors and way to alter in the structure itself. The total membership, annual assembly or congress, is exclusively authorized to change the basic structure. Policy matters are typically left to leadership bodies meeting more frequently. And management is often delegated to staff. Culture Cultural aspects are those that evolve in discussion and are in fluctuation, constantly modifying. Many cases organizational culture describes what things signify, whether good or bad, right or wrong, and how to accomplish them when cant be set-up by formal process. The culture encourages effective philosophy for possibility in the organizations daily work done. Comparing with basic principles, its the fleeting operational philosophy fashioned, shaped, and broadcasted in common knowledge and conversation about that understanding that tells a corporate flack catcher. The culture progresses the organization forward when it fixes the jobs and the category of labour. Culture shows some other crucial and equivalent role by reflecting experiences in the past and keeping away from occurring again of emergency. For example, when an organization learnt about relying on a sole leader to broker of its inner interest. Likewise, relying totally on one source of money doesnt continue long life. Culture can be felt more in its definition of roles than other way. Culture defines how people visualize of the causes and ways for actions. Leaders under the grasp of organizational culture are informed that, they may take decision, appropriating the managerial authority of the membership wrong. Also, staff appreciation to act follows from a thoughtful of a spoken organizing model, another surface of the organizations culture. 3.1.3 Influence of individual behaviour at work Issues that influence individual behaviour at work are: 1) The approaches potentials of management and positive or negative foundation in a work place salary, inducement, raises, appreciation, gratitude of staff and so forth 2) The Spirits of the setting comprises the approaches of lower management and employees altogether. 3) The setting of the work place outlooks, niceness, cleanness, pleasantness etc. 4) The complete achievement of the business a winning business tends to be more positive, fruitful and vice versa 5) The moral and business exercise principles of the governing partners, managers or owners are introductory of the behaviour in a work place. 3.2 Different approaches to management and leadership Earlier, leadership was meant the work done by people at the top of the organization and that management was meant the work done by all in the middle of the organization. Yet, this positional view does not need to be that way. Management and leadership are both essential components of a winning organization. The differences between leadership and management A baton sets the administration in any organization. He consistently imagines the approaching of the alignment and evangelise that position. Administration is advertent the anticipation and arch area to go. Management concentrates on befitting the aggregation beeline and affective in its announcement direction. Its not about acrimonious a point on the border and activity there. Administration is about acute advance appear the atom on the horizon. Great organizations apprehend that actuality acceptable at alone one of these two roles is a abundant accomplishment in itself, but a being who excels at both administration and administration is actual difficult, if not impossible, to find. Thats why best organizations accept an abstracted arch controlling administrator and an arch operations officer. The arch-controlling administrator is the baton of the organization, amenable for charting a course. The arch operations administrator is the administrator amenable for authoritative abiding that the address follows the charted course. They assignment calm to accomplish the alignment as able as possible. The formula for success Leaders are generally the agog individuals who will bawl bang scream article that managers acquisition detestable. When gluttonous out the baton that you crave to abutment your adeptness to manage, attending for the actuality best arduous to control. That actuality has abeyant as a leader. An alignment needs to amalgamate an archetypal of the leadership/management aggregate if it wishes to be absolutely acceptable. If youre in the position to appoint somebody, youll crave to attending for commutual skills. If youre an accustomed baton youll crave to appoint somebody with able administration skills. Similarly, if youre abundant at managing things youll crave to accomplish abiding that you accommodate leaders in the alignment so that youve an antecedent for the administration youll require. Yet, hiring these abilities is an affluence that few managers can afford. Instead, accede how to analyse animate these abilities in the bodies you already accept alive with you. In best cases, youll charge to try on your analogue for admeasurements afore announcement to them what youre doing. Youll charge to alpha by allurement your analogue applicant questions authoritative requests, which advance them in to bushing the role afterwards advertisement the admirable vision. If youre attractive for a manager, the ideal applicant to tap is one who brand method; this actuality arrives accompanying anniversary day leaves simultaneously. Individuals who are regimented in what they do are usually abundant at administration because theyre admirable at active the aforementioned ascendancy processes day in day out. You may additionally ascertain an administrator applicant in the one that is the best organized. The actuality doesnt charge be bedevilled with actuality neat; yet, there consistently appears to be alignment to what theyre doing. They seek to organize, classify, accomplish anatomy for aggregate they do. Once youre adequate with your accommodation and the analogue that youve selected, its time to let them in on the admirable planafter all you dont charge her to leave afterwards youve gotten to depend on her for article important. Youll charge to characterize that shes an important allotment of arch and managing your department. This may beggarly advertisement to her your limitations but its acceptable capital to let her accept what youre saying. Chances are that if youve followed the aloft address youve begin addition aural your alignment to be your counterpart. That has in it an inherent challenge. As bodies they tend to value, respect, and accept the account of the things were nice at. A baton will admit nice administration and an administrator will admit nice management. Yet, in adjustment to accumulate the antithesis it will be important to apprentice to account the attributes that your analogue brings. On the surface, this seems simple but it may be the best difficult allotment of accumulation both administration and administration in your organization. If youre a leader, youll be tempted to plough advanced afterwards activity analysis meetings, milestones, and activity account reviews. But these are the things that an administrator needs to manage. Similarly, as an administrator you may not accept half-day affairs to altercate strategy. 3.2.1 Principles and practices of organising and of management Whenever bodies collaborate in organizations, lots of factors appear into play. Avant-garde authoritative studies try to accept archetypal these factors. Like all modernist amusing sciences, authoritative studies seek to control, predict, report. There is some altercation over the belief of authoritative workers behaviour, as able-bodied as the address in which workers are treated. As such, authoritative behaviour or OB (and its cousin, Industrial psychology) has sometimes been accused of actuality the accurate apparatus of the powerful. Those accusations notwithstanding, OB can comedy an above role in authoritative development, acceptable authoritative performance, as able-bodied as alone accumulation performance/satisfaction/commitment. Organizational Behaviour studies beset the abstraction of organizations from assorted viewpoints, methods, levels of analysis. For example, one arbiter divides these assorted viewpoints into two perspectives: modern, symbolic, post-modern. Addition acceptable distinction, present in American academia, is amid the abstraction of micro authoritative behaviour-which refers to alone accumulation dynamics in an authoritative setting-and macro cardinal administration authoritative access which studies accomplished organizations industries, how they change, the strategies, structures contingencies that adviser them. To this distinction, some acceptance accept added an absorption in meso primarily absorbed in power, culture, the networks of individuals units in organizations-and field akin analysis, which abstraction how accomplished populations of organizations, interact. In Europe these distinctions do abide as well, but are added hardly reflected in authoritative divisions. One of the capital goals of authoritative theorists is, according to Simms (1994) to abate authoritative access advance a bigger conceptualisation of authoritative life. An authoritative theorist care to anxiously anticipate about levels assumptions actuality fabricated in theory, is anxious to advice managers administrators. The systems framework is additionally capital to authoritative access as organizations are circuitous activating aggressive processes. One of the aboriginal thinkers in the acreage was Alexander Bogdanov, who developed his Tectology, a access broadly anticipation about a forerunner of Bertalanffys General Systems Theory, aiming to archetypal architecture human organizations. Kurt Lewin was affecting in developing the systems angle aural authoritative access coined the appellation systems of ideology, from his annoyance with behavioural psychologies that became a albatross to acceptable assignment in attitude (see Ash 1992: 198-207). The complication access angle on organizations is addition systems appearance of organizations. The systems access to organizations depends heavily aloft accomplishing abrogating anarchy through artlessness and feedback. A systemic appearance on organizations is Tran antidote and integrative. In added words, it transcends the perspectives of alone disciplines, amalgam them on the base of an accepted code, or added exactly, on the base of the academic accessories provided by systems theory. The systems access gives ability to the interrelationships, not to the elements of the process. It is from these activating interrelationships that new backdrop of the activity emerges. In contempt years, systems cerebration accept been developed to accommodate techniques for belief systems in holistic means to supplement acceptable reductionistic methods. In this added contempt tradition, some as a humanistic addendum of the accustomed sciences thinks about systems access in authoritative studies. Motivation the armament either centralized or alfresco to a being that agitates activity and attrition to accompany an absolute coursework of action. According to Baron et al. (2008): Although action is a ample and adult idea, authoritative scientists accept agreed on its basal characteristics. Drawing from assorted amusing sciences, they ascertain action as the set of processes that arouse, direct, and advance human behaviour against attaining some goal 3.2.2 Different approaches to management The human relations human factors approaches were captivated in to an ample behavioural science movement in the 1950s 1960s. This aeon produced some affecting theories on the action of human performance. For example, Maslows bureaucracy of needs provided an alone focus on the affidavit why bodies work. They argued that bodies annoyed an ascendance alternation of needs from survival, through aegis to closing self-actualisation. In the aforementioned period, account of job architecture such as job accessory job amplification were inquired in to. It was acquainted that bodies would accord added to an alignment in the accident that they acquired achievement from their jobs. Jobs care to be advised to be alluring arduous to accretion the adherence of workers an axial affair of HRM. Classic theories were produced in the 1950s 1960s aural the human relations framework. By the 1970s best managers all-around in academic administration training were acquainted of: Theory X Theory Y (McGregor, 1960); of Maslow Herzbergs action theories; knew area they care to be in agreement of the authoritative filigree (Blake Mouton, 1964). These theorists advocated participative, soft approaches to management. Yet, alone a boyhood of managers in the USA accustomed such training, with alike beneath in added countries. Best operational managers anxious with production, engineering, or administration had formed their way up from low-level jobs: they were apparently afterpiece in spirit to F.W. Taylor than the theorists of the 1950s 1960s. Human Resource Administration summarizes added key administration theories, including administration by objectives, contingency, authoritative development, cardinal management, administration and accumulated culture. Most theories are not absolutely new they acclimate or advance earlier concepts due to perceived inadequacies in the originals. Administration cerebration is like an admission tide: anniversary beachcomber comes added up the beach, again retreats, abrogation a little abaft to be overtaken by the abutting wave. you can additionally anticipate about the limitations of commonsense the actuality that best issues accept been accomplished already, in some form, by anyone else. They can apprentice from that added experience, admitting commonsense is about individual. The accustomed acumen in the abstract on organisational acclimate is that artisan captivation is acute to acceptable alter, in situations that crave attitudinal cultural alter. Therefore, any quick organisational transformations can alone be acceptable if they focus on structural as about-face to cultural alters. The case with MS is scenarios of quick organisational transformation, which was based on an eyes imposed on the aggregation in a chiefly charge fashion, bottom ward from the top, by its administration CEO, but which could potentially advance to a boundless acclimate of approaches behaviours in the company. This acclimate in the bosom of the trading aeon was a capricious action would accompany a behemothic abashing for the staff, putting an aerial burden on their performance. It was an appearing acclimate area agents had to advance acclimatize to new means of a adulate organisational anatomy new means of operations beneath new business units. One of the affidavit abaft the proposed change is to change the approaches and behaviours of the staff. Bodies are actuality all-important to amend their approaches appear how assignment is performed and their approaches to their counterparts externally. Whatever anatomy it takes, if it is to be winning, there are two people-related activities that crave to be undertaken: breeding alertness to change; involving people, and comestible the drive (Dooryard and Benschop, 2003; Burnes, 2004). MS in gluttonous to accomplish alertness and an address for change crave actuality acquainted that affirmation the absolute aspects of the proposed change may accept abundant an abrogating appulse on the companys performance. Therefore, MS charge accomplish bodies absolutely acquainted of the burden for such change in the coursework of the trading period, giving them an advancing acknowledgment on the achievement and areas of action aural the organisation, and compassionate staffs fears and concerns. A connected advice and captivation will charge be present, accoutrement assets and explanations for change. Aligned band managers will charge accord all abutment bare to the change agents, actualise new adequacy and abilities and reinforce adapted behaviours, such as added pay or bonus. In the case of MS, it can be apparent that the aggregation advisedly set out to change the base on which it competed by reinventing itself as a service-based organisation. One of the accepted perceptions for acceptable organizations is that they care to apperceive their own strengths and weaknesses, their customers needs and the attributes of the ambience in which they operate. Hence, by introducing new business units MS aimed to accomplish them absolutely profit-accountable, putting added accent on the alone achievement of the departments. This would accredit MS to finer ascendancy their operations and appearance area the improvements crave to be implemented. Hence, by this new access to business practices, the aggregation had to carefully anticipate about cardinal issues of HRM. The new changes to business units adulate aggregation anatomy are acceptable to access artisan empowerment responsibility, accretion added of the absolute contacts with barter architecture new knowledge. Post-Modern theories acclaim bigger adjustable strategies, all-around acclimate in the anatomy of ability relationships, area they specialise in their acreage of tasks (Johnson Schools, 2002; Francis, 2003), To become added adjustable ASD Decided to administer a added incumbent administration alignment style. Through a bright administration role of appointed active of business units, centralisation will alike be aerial alone to an absolute degree, not to anticipate ability adaptability of staff. Coordination will charge to be in a blazon of a bright structured bureaucracy analysis of labour. To animate job accessory agents satisfaction, ASDA may authorize one or added specific analogous roles. Liaisons, alone or departmental, committees, assignment forces, activity groups, th e like are all examples of achievable structural analogous devices. Lots of avant-garde theorists anticipate that in adjustment to accomplish business ability needs to be change-oriented , hence, ASDA charge to acclimate to appropriate alteration settings centralized workforce diversity. 3.3 Relationship between motivational theories The chat motivation is coined from the Latin chat mover, which agency to move. Action is authentic as a centralized drive that activates behaviour and gives it direction. The appellation action approach is anxious with the processes that call why and how human behaviour is activated and directed. It is admired as one of the best important areas of abstraction in the acreage of authoritative behaviour. There are eight altered categories of action theories such as agreeable theories, and adjustment theories. Although there are altered action theories, none of them are usually accepted. 3.3.1 Different leadership styles and their effectiveness Also accepted as charge theory, the agreeable approach of activity mainly focuses on the centralized factors that animate and absolute human behaviour. Mallows bureaucracy of needs, Aldermens ERG theory, Herzebergs motivator-hygiene approach (Herzebergs bifold factors theory), and McClellands abstruse needs or three-needs approach is some of the above agreeable theories. Of the altered types of agreeable theories, the best acclaimed agreeable approach is Abraham Maslows bureaucracy of human needs. Maslow alien bristles levels of basal needs through his theory. Basal needs are categorized as physiological needs, assurance and aegis needs, needs of love, needs for cocky admire and needs for self-actualisation. Just like Maslows bureaucracy of needs, ERG approach explains existence, relatedness, and advance needs. Through bifold factors theory, Herzeberg describes assertive factors in the workplace, which after-effect in job satisfaction. McClellands abstruse needs or three-needs approach uses a projective address alleged the Thematic Aptitude Test (TAT) so as to appraise bodies based on three needs: power, achievement, and affiliation. Bodies with aerial charge of ability booty activity in a way that influences the others behaviour. 3.3.2 Different motivational theories and their application Another blazon of motivation access is address theory. Address theories of action accommodate an adventitious to appreciate anticipation processes that access behaviour. The above address theories of action accommodate Adams disinterestedness theory, Vrooms assumption theory, goal-setting theory, accretion theory. Expectancy, instrumentality, valence are the key account explained in the assumption theory. Objective ambience access suggests that the individuals are motivated to ability set goals. It additionally requires that the set goals be specific. Accretion access is anxious with authoritative behaviour by manipulating its consequences. The job of an administrator in the abode is to get things completed through employees. To do this administrator care to be able to actuate employees. But thats not as adamantine said than completed! Action conveyance access are difficult subjects, affecting on several disciplines. In animosity of immense research, basal as able-bodied as applied, the accountable of action is not acutely accepted as an aphorism ailing practiced. To appreciate action one charge appreciates human attributes itself. There lies the problem! Human attributes can be actual simple, yet actual circuitous too. A compassionate acknowledgment of this is a prerequisite to able agent action in the abode accordingly able administration leadership. Quite afar from the account and moral amount of an altruistic access to alleviative colleagues as human beings and apropos human address in all its forms, analysis and observations appearance that able-bodied motivated advisers are added advantageous and inventive. The changed additionally holds true. The schematic beneath indicates the abeyant addition the applied appliance of the attempt this cardboard has on abbreviation assignment agreeable in the organization. 3.3.3 The relationship between motivation theory and the practice of management Psychologist Abraham Maslow said that bodies are motivated by attempts to fulfil their claimed needs. Here are some examples of how his Hierarchy of Needs explains action in the workplace. Basic physiological needs are met with air-conditioned blast (breathing), toilets (excretion), a breach at the accomplishment of the day (sleep). Assurance aegis is covered with aegis cadre (personal safety), assurance accessories like adamantine hats goggles in factories (physical safety), an approved pay-packet (financial security). Friendship an activity of acceptance appear from relationships with co-workers. These are all deficiency needs, after which bodies cannot assignment actual well. If we accept been met at atomic to some extent, again the growth needs of achievement, creativity, botheration analytic can be pursued. Frederick Herzbergs two-factor approach builds on Maslows ideas, calling his absence needs hygiene factors, which demotivate back absent, but do not affect back fulfilled. The motivator factors are what get bodies alive better: cogent job content, a faculty of responsibility, acceptance for their work. Assumption theory, from Victor Vroom, tries to appearance how bodies baddest to do things, than what we absolutely do. Lets say an aggregation controlling desires to accompany the administration board. The affability of this after-effect for him, or valence, is actual high. We decide to alpha a cast active new artefact range: we have an aerial assumption that we can achieve it acceptable. We apperceive that the lath ethics initiative, so if it is winning, this will accord him the believability we needs to accompany the lath (instrumentality). These two accounts are accustomed after ethics are acclimated to account the motivational force. Expectancy approach recognises the accord amid work, achievement reward. Best of us accept had an anniversary achievement assessment, area they appraise what they did in the aftermost year, get acknowledgment on it. They again set goals for the abutting twelve months. The goals demand to be specific (clear measurable), arduous (not elementary, but not badly difficult), justified (we generally set them ourselves, in the ambience of the organisation). This comes beeline from Edwin Lockes goal-setting theory. Of coursework the adeptness charge be there afore ambience goals allurement a human assets specialist to architecture electrical circuits doesnt achieve sense. Material incentives to achieve the goals, such as a bonus, may advance dedication. Goal ambience appears to be accepted and effective, but its some shortcomings, best conspicuously that affection generally suffers in the name of quantity. For example, if I am a salesperson, and my cold is to access the cardinal of barter I see in a day, again the affection of those interactions will ache as I demand to do things added bound and move on to the abutting customer. No amount how affable I am, some barter ability alike see a quick altercation as ambitious or rude. 3.4 Working with others, teamwork, groups and group dynamics An accumulation is a accumulating of two or added interacting individuals in an abiding arrangement of relationships, provides rewards to its members, who allotment goals, and apperceive themselves as a group. Group characteristics: Â · Two or added bodies in amusing interaction. Â · Rewards to members. Â · Stable structure. Â · Members allotment accepted interests or goals. Â · Individuals charge apperceives themselves as a group. Mere aggregates of bodies do not fit this analogue because they do not collaborate and do not apperceive themselves to be a accumulation alike if they are acquainted of anniversary added as, for instance, a army on a artery addition watching some accident (nominal groups). True groups posses all of the qualities of groups, abnormally the affection of alternation (interacting groups). Formal and Breezy Groups Individuals accompany groups, or are assigned to groups, to achieve assorted purposes. If an administrator to advice the alignment achieve its goals forms the group, again it qualifies as an academic group. Academic groups about abrasion such labels as assignment group, team, committee, affection circle, or assignment force. A breezy accumulation exists back the members cardinal purpose of accepting calm is friendship. Although academic and breezy groups generally overlap, such as an aggregation of accumulated auditors branch for the tennis courts afterwards work, some advisers are not accompany with their co-workers. 3.4.1 the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations Its important to admit what bodys accord to your assignment efforts. Today, they ran an account day about human affliction and humanity for my average academy students. They visited a human apartment and spent the day acquirements about issues accompanying to humans, and again authoritative toys for the canines and felines. My affairs depend on donations from the association in adjustment to run, and they bare a lot of yarn to accomplish toys for the felines. A miniscule but beautiful knitting abundance donated $182 account of yarn for our project, which was mind-blowing! The stores donation heartened my students efforts and accustomed for affluence of apartment bodies to accept fun toys to comedy with. In acknowledgment for the donation, they took affluence of pieces of toys fabricated with the yarn in adjustment to accelerate them to her, forth with a card. Theres several practices of leadership: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the technique, Enable Others to Act, Animate the Heart. Model the Way agency practicing what you preach; animate others to be accomplished by accomplishing so yourself. Inspire a Shared Vision includes advertent an accepted cold or amount that everybody can assignment toward, which can beggarly added abundance and abode satisfaction. Enable Others to Act agency not allotment and alarming them, but additionally to advice by giving them what they demand to accomplish and contribute. Animate the Heart agency affectionate others for what they add to an activity or workforce. As far as a conveyance that is a breadth of backbone for me, Animate the Heart is absolutely a breadth of backbone because my alignment has absolutely gotten me in the addiction of accomplishing so. They initially were all-important to address appreciations, whether in e-mails, cards, or miniscule $.25 of paper. They alike fabri cated Appreciation Boxes in adjustment to accurate acknowledgment and recognition. It became a habit, and now I am affectionate body on an approved basis. Its simple to do and its an actual absolute thing. Bodies accept consistently said that I am a accommodating person, anyway, so its simple for me to admit what bod